achchuthan09 (13 years ago)hi frnz if u hav facebook.plz add me my f.b i.d arun achchuthan byee..
manish0162 (13 years ago)4 msgs chat- go to any ur frd profile nd click on sign of msg then ok. than click ok on 'write to msg for(e.g.manish0162).'. than. write name e.g manish0162 . than click on to subject and write any thing e.g hi. ok than click on msg and write msg nd than click on send chat on guestbook- go any id and click on heart+. than write msg nd send
manish0162 (13 years ago)hi my dear frd, thanx 2 accept my frd request..
achchuthan09 (13 years ago)hi my sweet r u?i didt knw how t use this ownsn chat methoed .can u xplan me?
anson666111 (13 years ago)thanks my frind i will be your best friend forever