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 Hello Skinners ... If You Need Any Content For Create Theme ( Like > Icon , Status Icon , Pop Up Bar , Background ) Then Ask Here !

Hello Skinners ... If You Need Any Content For Create Theme ( Like > Icon , Status Icon , Pop Up Bar , Background ) Then Ask Here !.. write that content what you need .. Here I will Provide You That Content ! (11 years ago)

Pls help me,i can't find theme for Nokia asha200,i also created theme but its not supported.the file is not in jar platform but sss. (11 years ago)

can u tell me out when new phones like nokia asha 311 supported softwares for preparation of themes has been added (11 years ago)

Dear first friend why mobile users can not publick their own themes?i creat much themes by mobile but its showing private can you tell me how 2 make it publick  (11 years ago)

publick? are you mean publish ? ok ! Look if you are creting theme from your mobile .. so you always using template of other users .. and if you creating theme on mobile thenyou will not able to edit all content of theme .. that why that themes are privet .. They allowed you to create theme only for own on Mobile ! (11 years ago)

help my ownskin icon (11 years ago)

@princessz mobile skinners have to set it to public when they save it at ownskin after they have to login to pc version then they can change private to public. If not then it is because the filter team does not approve of it. (11 years ago)

hey hw cn i create a theme of my mobile nokia c2-01 n with al back grounds, pop up n icons to change in the menu n also to change the menu back ground (11 years ago)

Yourfirstfreind, i really need helpg on how to create flash, can u please help me? (11 years ago)

sirwilly13@ Click On "Create Now" on Menu Tab .. Then Click On "Make a Flash" Then Select Mode then Flash Maker will open ... then upload image and use tool to create flash ! (11 years ago)

for making flash you have to login at pc version like yff said before. note you can't make flash at mobile version  (11 years ago)

Iambest, what do you mean by that "pc version"? (11 years ago)

Yourfirstfreind, i don't even see anything like "create now" because de moment i login i use to click on flash and when i click i'll not see anything like "create now" (11 years ago)

I mean that are you online at ownskin via computer or mobile if you are online via mobile then you are not able to create flash if via computer then you must follow what yourfirstfrnd said  (11 years ago)

Okay,iambest thank u (11 years ago)

how to change my share status public ? (11 years ago)

damn. My theme missin :-( (11 years ago)

my theme automatically got deleted, wat maybe the reason ?? :-( (11 years ago)

hello friends i need a icons to create themes will u let me know from where should i get icons. (11 years ago)

meenaksi inbox me I will help you to get icons  (11 years ago)

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