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Yes, I've tried different templates, no one has a clear font. Sure, even if it does, what about my piccture? I have tried several picctures just to see if I can get a suitable one to make the font clear, still to no avail. And I wouldn't to make theme without using my picture on bacckground or as wall-paper. Mmm, maybe one day I'll have a way to get this thing done. (10 years ago)

Mmm, but I don't have a PC. Does it mean I can't make themes of my choice? I thought this place is to enable one to create theme of one's choice? If I can't create any of my choice because I don't have a PC, then how does it go with the name 'Ownskin' when one can't make his/her own skin? It means this place is not for phone users like me. Perhaps I'm going to look for another place that can give me what I want; a place where I can create themes with any picture of my choice and with the font colour of my choice. Please if you have any such place, kindly send it to me here in this forum. Thanks! (10 years ago)

Ok. Actually, I'm talking about mobile phone themes i.e. Nokia E5 in particular. Can't anything be done about it? All the themes I downloaded, even the ones I created are not useful to me because I cannot see writings or read messages since the font colours are too faint. There is no clearness or distinction between the font and the background picture or wall-paper. (10 years ago)

All the themes I created and the ones I downloaded are not very pleasant. I find it difficult to use them because I have not been able to change the font colour. The only thing I can do is to put my picture but the font colours are not bright, they are very faint. I cant use the themes because of this. What do I do?  (10 years ago)

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