A REAL friend knows you within. A REAL friend loves you for all your sin only because you can always make them grin. Never stray from a REAL friend there is not to many of them....
Roses are red, Violets are blue, I've never met a friend as nice and as true as you we fight and we forgive that's what true friends do.I love you friends I love you all you catch me when I fall so I shall do the same for my true friends all who catch me when I fall.
If friends were flowers I would not pick you!
I'll let you grow in the garden & cultivate you with love
and care so I can keep you as a friend 4ever!!
Hi Sandeep
good afternoon
have nice day.
Hi Sandeep good morning have a nice day.
i m comeback to ownskin....
Hi Sandeep

good evening how are you friend have nice time.
now my exam is end...im totaly free...
Hi Friend good evening have nice time .
hi friend not doing much ive hurt my foot i cant walk on it properly so what have you been up to take care nikki ya mate

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