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13 years ago
SoMe OnE SaY ThAt lOvE Is nOnSeNs,,, i tElL YoU... 'It iS No sUcH ThInG. fOr wEeKs aNd mOnThS It iS A StEaDy pHySiCaL aNd mEnTaL PaIn, An aChE AbOuT ThE HeArT, nEvEr lEaViNg oNe, By nIgHt oR By dAy; A LoNg sTrAiN On oNes nErVeS LiKe tOoThAcHe oR RhEuMaTiSm, NoT InToLeRaBlE At aNy oNe iNsTaNt, BuT ExHaUsTiNg bY ItS StEaDy dRaIn oN ThE StReNgTh...' gOoD MoRnInNg dEaR...:hear:
13 years ago
'bEsT ReLaTiOn iN DiS WoRlD Is wHeN YoU HoLd tHe hAnD Of a pErSoN AnD ThE PeRsOn wAlKs wItH YoU WiThOuT AsKiNg wHeRe aNd wHy?'...I'M So lUcKy aNd hOnOuReD ThAt i' wAs rElAtEd wItH YoU... hAvE sMiLinG niGhT mY fRiEnD
13 years ago
ThOuGhTfUl sAyInG AbOuT LoVe: 'LUv dOeSnT AsK WhO R U? LUv oNlY SaYs u r mInE. LUv dOeSnT AsK WhErE R U FrOm? LuV OnLy sAyS U LiVe iN My hEaRt. LuV DoEsNt aSk wHaT Do u dO? LUv oNlY SaYs u mAkE My hEaRt bEaT. LUv dOeSnT AsK WhY R U FaR AwAy? LuV OnLy sAyS U R AlWaYs wItH Me. LuV DoEsNt aSk dO U LuV Me? LuV OnLy sAyS I LoVe u.' wIsHiNg yOu mY FrIeNd...tRuE LoVe sPaRkLiNg uR HeArT AnD WiLl rEmOvE Ur aLl pAiN..lOnElInEsS AnD DaRkNeSs...HaPpY DaY queen
13 years ago
'aS YoU ThInK.. YoU TrAvEl,, aNd aS YoU LoVe,, yOu aTtRaCt.. yOu aRe tOdAy wHeRe yOuR ThOuGhTs hAvE BrOuGhT YoU; yOu wIlL Be tOmOrRoW WhErE YoUr tHoUgHtS TaKe yOu...'WiShInG GoOd MoRnInG aNd aTtItUdE DaY...
13 years ago
">http://albom.qatarw.com/data/media/34/T_6ffe10a4-d819-4b5d-a315-8e217abdc70c.jpg" border="0"/>
13 years ago
'tImE Is iMpOrTaNt iN OuR EvErYdAy lIfE,,, It tElLs uS WhEn iT’S To sMiLe,,, It aLsO TeLlS Us wHeN It’s tImE To cRy,,, TiMe fOr sOrRoW,, pAiN AnD Be lOnElY,, TiMe fOr lAuGhTeR AnD Be hApPy,,, TiMe iS A TrEaSuRe eAcH OnE ShOuLd kEeP,, fOr tImE WhEn yOu lOsT It,, SuReLy yOu’lL WeEp... TiMe iS A GiFt eAcH OnE EvEr hOlDs,, FoR TiMe tRuLy iS GoLd... TiMe cAn mEnD A BrOkEn hEaRt,, YeT TiMe cAn bReAk a wAiTiNg hEaRt.. TiMe iS AlL I HaVe tO ShArE.. BeCaUsE FoR Me, ThE MoSt pReCiOuS GiFt i cAn gIvE SoMeOnE,, Is mY TiMe…' gUt nIgHt... thanx to write me queen its a face cream for men..wat can you do by this ok i tell you...its'magaamgdga'
13 years ago
'MaNy PeOpLe oN thE eArTh giVeS yOu.. CrYinG TeArS aNd LaUgHinG SmiLEs... BuT ThErE aRe fEw pEopLe whO giVE yoU LaUgHinG TeArS aAd CrYinG SmiLeS... ThOsE vErY fEw aRe caLLeD FRIENDS...' miss you... WiShiNg fAbuLouS NigHt:hear:
13 years ago
miss you so much
13 years ago
ThErE iS aLwAys a rEaSoN foR eVeRytHinG: A rEaSoN tO Live,,, A rEaSoN tO diE,,, A rEaSoN tO cRy,,, BuT iF u cAn’t finD a rEaSoN tO SmiLe,,, CaN I bE thE rEaSoN foR a whiLe??? golden">http://www.graphics18.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/funny-picturesgraphics-for-orkut-hi5-25.jpg" border="0"/>golden urinesweet">http://www.graphics18.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/funny-picturesgraphics-for-orkut-hi5-96.jpg" border="0"/>sweet kid!
13 years ago
SORRY…. SORRY…. SORRY…..SORRY…. DoNt gEt coNfuSeD Arey Baba SORRY means: S-SomE.. O-OnE.. Is, R-ReaLLy.. R-ReMeMbeRinhG.. Y-YoU…..HaVe A WoNdErfuL MoRniNG…. hi friend
13 years ago
sWeeTneSS iN yOuR sPeEcH taLeNt iN yOuR MinD LoVe iN yOuR hEaRt pEaCe iN yOuR EyEs sTrEngTh iN yOuR HaNdS & I WisH aLwAyS VicToRy iN yOuR LifE DOn’T tAkE tEnSioN u’LL gEt uR dEsTinAtiOn Don’T MaKe uR minD jAm duE tO aNy ExAm BeLiEvE uR SeLf GOD wiLL heLp you tO gEt sUccEsS WiShiNg yÖu bEsT oF LuCk mY dEaR…….GooD niGhT hi i have no queen friend..happy to having you as a friend
13 years ago
i re love u too.!
13 years ago
Hope you like these ">http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_gTJMEP-c2fo/Sa1_o3cu1RI/AAAAAAAAKrs/ycQORsdRIB8/s1600-h/cute-cats-22.jpg" border="0"/> Have a fancy day
13 years ago
sis.. i miss u...
13 years ago
">http://cdnimg.visualizeus.com/thumbs/18/1e/princess,crown,light-181e3332e181f9d56c3c7a17d07c0797_h.jpg" border="0"/>

. . .
13 years ago
13 years ago
Happy morning
13 years ago
hi sis... love u n miss u so much... tc always ok... n happy...
13 years ago
">http://cdnimg.visualizeus.com/thumbs/80/f1/princess,inspire,quotes,words,moleskine,word,art-80f1a455e6fbac1239ff0e621a0f01b1_h.jpg" border="0"/>

. . .
13 years ago
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