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— I wanted to ask you, Shi-faugh … I have done a stupid thing, having taken that woman, so you have told. Nonsense is that it has died?
кредит под залог квартиры
— And it too. But the main thing, it has distracted you, and you have not made that you shall make. And" Wind" has not accepted you. However, such is destiny of the woman — to force down the man from the Way.

— Means, I have not coped? It is a pity. It was easy for me in this condition.

— Therefore and it is easy that you have not glanced in depth. In depth "Wind" is terrible. You were very close, there, on a slope when you have broken кредит под залог квартиры.

Fog has begun to thin, not clear mass of mountains have appeared on both sides of the wide river. The master has settled on a raft, having sat down on the tyuchok and having put in Turkish legs. Still smoothly swung a raft, with easy splash water licked dark bark of logs кредит под залог квартиры.

— Tell, Shi-faugh how we have got here? And why we here?

— Where "here"? On Yenisei?

— No, in this time. In the seventeenth century.

— Here you about what … — have rocked the head the Chinese — well, probably, it is time to hear to you.

Mister Li Wang Wei has kept silent, looking at mountains. Then I have continued:

留言板 (4) 留言

8 年前
And I heard it in general for the first time. The master meanwhile has obviously got to talking:

— In the twentieth century I had a friend кредит под залог квартиры… Whether it is strange that, being in the seventeenth century, I speak about the twentieth century "was"? But I did not see it long ago. The friend this Indonesian, call him Vaughan Cue Keith, he long enough worked at Shaolin institute, has even written couple of books about a kunfa. Not really serious. Here what he has told me. It is known that if the small child loses the last phalanx of a finger, it can grow, be regenerated again. With age this capability vanishes. And so, at school at my friend somebody was engaged in Zhuo — the director of insurance company from Jakarta. And somehow to this Zhuo cut off the last phalanx on a little finger кредит под залог квартиры. The fifty-year-old man with such passion practiced a chi kung that the finger at it has again grown. It has bothered then all school — went, a finger upright, showed all. And you speak — mysticism!

— Here so — mister Li Wang Wei has finished conversation кредит под залог квартиры. — As we have got here, I have more or less told you: through the Early sky, using reverse motion filched "tsz". Why we here, I will tell later. Generally, it is connected with that wave of events which moves in Late time. The knowledge of temporary rhythms allows to make a certain calculation … and if not to do nonsenses with local women … yet — He has yawned, having covered a mouth with a dry swarty palm. — I, perhaps, will have a sleep if you do not object. And even if you objects.

The master has laid down, having enclosed a tyuchok under the head кредит под залог квартиры, and has closed eyes, and Andrey, having taken a pole, again has lowered it in dark water.
8 年前
Imposing of cyclic and linear movement forms time spiral, in Chinese, "tsz" — the Master continued. — Extending, the spiral reaches the Early sky, going to Emptiness кредит под залог квартиры. The same spiral moves in an opposite direction — inside, to a point. The point has no sizes — it is equal in it to infinity, so, and Emptiness. Daosa call this double movement "лян Cyn" — "to go two ways". Both spirals are oriented on "Dao's axis" — "dao shu". This axis is symbolized by a bamboo staff of the Taoist hermit with which you practised more than once. And in points of a joint, contact of antidirected rounds of spirals transition is also made.

— Time goes back кредит под залог квартиры? The mysticism is some …

— Mysticism? You so think?

— And what else?

— Life — the Master as something self-evident has said. — I spoke earlier — I do not remember, spoke or not? — that the idea of reverse motion of life, or "дяньдао", is the cornerstone of all Taoist the practician. The Taoist devotee aims to return to a "pre-natal кредит под залог квартиры" condition, as if turns back a current of the life up to that absorbs an own schyuna and semen! In any case the devotee, an elementary rate a chi kung acts in the same way.

Andrey, densely being engaged in wushu, I found a little time for art a chi kung as such. Remembering rules of school, in the theory I did not climb too.
8 年前
— About "cause and effect" it is clear. And what for temporary rhythms?

— If I am not mistaken кредит под залог квартиры, there is such Russian proverb — "between promising and performing, a man can marry his daughter". It is noticed truly — from the first manifestation of an event before its complete development and there pass about three years. It is a little more or less, but approximately so.

— Why three years?

— I do not know кредит под залог квартиры. And why in five years there is something opposite to what has occurred five years ago? And I do not know it. But I know that imposing of all linear rhythms forms a wave, time wave which carries us in the future.

Fog has absolutely dissipated. The many-tier walls of marble rocks casting on the sun net gray gloss, penetrated by veins of white quartz have risen by hundreds of meters over the river кредит под залог квартиры. Around rocks the Labrador tea blossomed, having covered slopes the pink cloud which is flying up from the warm brown earth. Behind a wavy ridge of gray-green mountains Borrus's top grew white, shadows on excesses of wide snow slopes softly became blue.
8 年前
The late sky — the world of specific, tangible forms, including terrestrial.

Andrey has risen, has developed a raft кредит под залог квартиры. Side rolling became less.

— "authentic deities" live in the Early sky. They have also helped our transition — the Master continued.

— What for "authentic deities"? — Andrey has asked, sowing opposite to the Master and stacking a pole across a raft.

— They are known little. In fact, it is only forms of dispersion, the Chaos mask. Except the terrestrial body shown here in the Late sky, the person possesses a "authentic кредит под залог квартиры" body — as tell daosa, "vague shape" — which exists in the Early sky. Here through "vague shapes" of the Early sky and by means of its deities there was also our transition.

— Transition to other time? — Andrey has asked.

— Quite so.

Fog began to rise кредит под залог квартиры. Over the dark, worrying mirror of water carried by the last gray-haired shreds, and over the river brown, brown, dark green spots not clear still mountains have appeared. The massive edges and sharp tops of rocks shaded by a morning blue were dissolved in the brightening sky filled with thin white steam. The master meanwhile continued:

— In the field of the Early sky time does not pass, as at us кредит под залог квартиры. There it is simple to eat. In the field of the Late sky time moves, being determined by change of events. Events change doubly. First, they regularly repeat in a roundabout. So seasons change. Secondly, events are connected linearly. Linear communication submits to two laws: "reason consequence" and "temporary rhythms". It is clear?
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